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National Natural Parks of Colombia



Also available in Spanish with the title: National Natural Parks of Colombia

This book captures the essence of “natural Colombia”, represented in fifty-nine areas belonging to the National Natural Park System and the new areas under conservation. In these pages, in addition to its spectacular photographs, we will find life, culture and traditional knowledge and epic stories of nature itself, told all by Andrés Hurtado García, the standard bearer par excellence of Colombian nature.

A legacy is immersed here, the true world where we all want to live, full of bright sunrises, warm sunsets, the simplicity of greatness. The world of colors, the wonderful world of our natural heritage expressed in our protected areas that provide us with incalculable environmental, social and economic benefits, just as the damage and transformation that the planet has suffered due to the actions of man is incalculable.

In a time like the current one, in which ecotourism gains more followers every day in the world, the extraordinary beauty of our parks has been conquering more Colombians and foreigners every day, so much so that this beautiful book is in itself a seductive invitation. to meet them.

On July 1, the Serranía de Chiribiquete National Natural Park, located in the central part of the Colombian Amazon, was declared a Mixed Heritage (biological and cultural) of Humanity for UNESCO. This important news should awaken our desire to delve into the content of this book organized by the four major regions of the country.

Andean Region: El Cocuy, Los Nevados, Puracé, Galeras Fauna and Flora Sanctuary, Guanentá Fauna and Flora Sanctuary - Alto Río Fonce, Nevado del Huila, Serranía de los Yariguíes, Tatamá, Dona Juana Volcanic Complex – Cascabel, Pisba, Sanctuary of Fauna and Flora of Iguaque, The Beautiful Gloria Valencia of Castaño, Farallones of Cali, Munchique, Chingaza, Sumapaz, Las Orquídeas, Selva de Florencia, Otún Quimbaya Fauna and Flora Sanctuary, Tatamá, Serranía de los Churumbelos – Auka Wasi, Sanctuary of Flora Medicinal Plants Orito – Ingi Ande, Los Picachos Mountain Range, Alto Fragua – Indi Wasi, Guácharos Cave, Los Estoraques Unique Natural Area, La Corota Island Fauna and Flora Sanctuary, Catatumbo Barí, Paramillo, *New area process Palmares de Tochecito, *Process of the new Serranía San Lucas area.
Amazonia and Orinoquia Region: Sierra de La Macarena, Serranía de Chiribiquete, Amacayacu, Yaigojé – Apaporis, El Tuparro, Puinawai, Cahuinarí, La Paya, Tinigua, Río Puré, Nukak, *Cinaruco new area process, *Serrania de Manacacías new area process .
Pacific Region: Sanquianga, Gorgona, Los Katíos, Utría, Urama Bahía Málaga, Malpelo Fauna and Flora Sanctuary, *National District of Integrated Management Yuruparí – Malpelo, *National District of Integrated Management Cabo Manglares, Bajo Mira and Frontera.
Caribbean Region: Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, Tayrona, Macuira, Los Corales del Rosario and San Bernardo, Los Flamencos Fauna and Flora Sanctuary, Old Providence McBean Lagoon, Vía Parque Isla de Salamanca, Ciénaga Grande de Santa Fauna and Flora Sanctuary Marta, El Corchal “El Mono Hernández” Fauna and Flora Sanctuary, Acandí Fauna Sanctuary, Playón and Playona, Los Colorados Fauna and Flora Sanctuary, Deep Corals, Portete Kaurrele Bay.


  • 2018
  • Spanish
  • 4.5 kg
  • 304 pages
  • 45 x 35 x 4.5 cm
  • 9789588818535

Awarded in the twentieth edition of the International Latino Book Awards, 2018. — Best travel book / First place


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  • Shipments within the national territory
  • Shipments to Bogotá are made between 1 and 3 business days.
  • Nationwide shipments are made through the courier company Servientrega and their arrival may take 5 to 6 business days.


  • Editor: Benjamín Villegas
  • Prologue: Julia Miranda Londoño
  • Texts: Andrés Hurtado García
  • Photography: Gabriel Eisenband Gontovnik,
  • Complementary Photography: Andrés Mauricio López, Sandra Bessudo, Yves Lefèrve, Romain Double, Velero Tara,
  • Art Department: Enrique Coronado, Joselyn Gómez
  • Style Review: Stella Feferbaum