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Benjamin Villegas

Benjamin Villegas

Bachelor ofModern Gym, 1965. Student Ambassador of Colombia in the United States by national competition, 1966. Architect of theUniversity of the Andes, 1970, scholarship for academic computation throughout his career. Designer and editor of theLamp Magazine and thePresence Magazine and Professor of Layout and Graphic Design at theUniversity of Bogota Jorge Tadeo Lozano during his time as a university student, 1966-1971. Honorary Degree in Graphic Design from theUniversity of Bogota Jorge Tadeo Lozano, 1972.

Director ofVillegas & Associates, creative company in graphic and architectural design, publication of books and magazines, advertising, cinema and television between 1973 and 1985. During this period he was director of two journalistic programs on television–The Mansard YSpecial edition–, 1979-1982, producer of two documentaries–The world blooms in Colombia Ychinese acrobatics–, 1973 and 1981, and designer and editor of his first 30 large-format illustrated books.

President and Publisher ofVillegas Editors since its foundation in 1986 to date where it has created, developed, designed and edited around 300 high-quality, large-format illustrated books on different topics of Colombian culture (Art, Archaeology, Crafts, Architecture, Design, Photography, Country, Cities , History, Bibliographic Heritage, Nature, Cuisine, Sport, etc.)

He has been decorated by President Iván Duque Marquéz with the Cross of Boyacá in the rank of knight, for his cultural work with his books on Colombia for 50 years, by the mayor of Bogotá Julio César Sánchez for his books on the city, for theSociety of Improvements and Ornament of Bogotá with theJimenez de Quesada Award for its civic services and books about the city of Bogotá, for theColombian Book Chamber with the Silver Book for his life and editorial work, by the magazineProject Design with thesteel pencil in the Life and Work category, for theSimon Bolivar University of Barranquilla with the recognitionMeritorious Businessman, for himColombian National Army with the medalFaith in the cause, byColombian Air Force with the medalMarco Fidel Suarez, for himMunicipality of Anapoima in recognition of his civic work; among other accolades.

He has represented Colombia in more than 40 international book fairs and has been a lecturer on design and publishing issues at different universities in Colombia and abroad. He lives and works in Bogota.

Maria Villegas

Maria Villegas

Haute Cuisine and Pastry Chef of the Cordon Bleu in Paris, continued He learned his apprenticeship alongside renowned chefs in the United States, Europe and Asia, including Australia, the country where he began his career. He turned to applied cooking in the publishing industry, both in the very creation of recipes and in photographic production. He recently finished holistic health and nutrition studies.

More information about María Villegas in her website.

Laura Villegas

Laura Villegas

Laura Villegas is an unclassifiable creator. Educated in a combination of classical and innovative institutions, her particular view of the stage and creation drives her to compose, more than plays, worlds in which the characters live, moving between reality and fiction. ;n.

Its versatility allows it to address a wide range of artistic challenges: from events around brands to large-format cultural events; from the direction of theatrical exercises with students to professional works for the most demanding theaters and spectators. His talent puts him at the service of unforgettable experiences that can include concerts, artistic and musical installations, fashion shows, and a variety of medium and large stage formats. His body of work includes, the writing, the design, the production and the direction from which he is always working. in control of the contents that has led to achievements recognized by critics and the public.

His staging balances aesthetic elements with the creation of
narratives, characters and theatrical spaces, allowing the viewer to attend
experiences of great beauty, but also of great content.
For more than 15 years she has been working as the creator and narrator of these spaces of
reality and fiction, always from the deep conviction that the beautiful leaves a
memory to which we always want to return.
Winner of the 2016 Steel Pencil Award and the Ibero-American Design Award
(BID16) in the category of ephemeral architecture for the design, conception and
realization of the Macondo pavilion at Filbo 2015.

Camilo Villegas

Camilo Villegas

Colombian Artist and Designer with experience in Photography, Editing, Printing and Design. He works between Lisbon and Bogotá. 

More information about Camilo Villegas in his website.