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History of Bogotá Volume I, II and III. Conquest and Colony, 19th and 20th Century


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This new edition of the three-volume History of Bogotá is a corrected, redesigned and graphically complemented reprint of the first two volumes: Conquest and Colony by Julián Vargas Lesmes and Siglo XIX by Eugenio Gutiérrez Cely; The third volume, which corresponds to the 20th century and the current 21st century, is a new work by the historian Fabio Zambrano Pantoja, professor at the National University, who had also written the text of this volume for the previous edition. Seen as a whole, the work is an essential and fascinating document about the capital. The history of its physical expansion, the evolution of its services and institutions, its assets and its failures, is a legacy that is required reading for its current and future inhabitants.


  • 2007
  • Spanish
  • 8 kg
  • 974 pages
  • 24.7 x 33 cm
  • 9789588293318


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Shipping and delivery times:

  • Shipments within the national territory
  • Shipments to Bogotá are made between 1 and 3 business days.
  • Nationwide shipments are made through the courier company Servientrega and their arrival may take 5 to 6 business days.


  • Director: Fabio Puyo Vasco
  • Editor: Benjamín Villegas
  • Conquest and Colony Texts: Julián Vargas Lesmes
  • Prologue: Virgilio Barco Vargas
  • 19th Century Texts: Eugenio Gutiérrez Cely
  • Prologue: Julio Cesar Sánchez García
  • 20th Century Texts: Fabio Zambrano Pantoja
  • Prologue: Ándres Pastrana Arango
  • Style Review: Alfredo Iriarte
  • Archive: Colombian Academy of History, Colombian Academy of Language, Academy of History of Bogotá, National Academy of Medicine, Mayor's Office Archive of Bogotá, Benjamín Villegas & Asociados Archive, El Espectador daily archive, El Tiempo daily archive, Acueducto Company Archive and Sewer of Bogotá, Bogotá Electric Power Company Archive, Bogotá Telephone Company Archive, Coffee Cultural Fund Archive, Photographic Archive of the National Police, San Juan de Dios Hospital Archive, Restrepo Archive, Cromos Magazine Archive, Mayor Seminary Archive of Bogotá, Bogotá Improvement and Ornament Society Archive, Nuestra Señora del Rosario College Library, Bogotá Council Library, Gimnasio Moderno Library, Bogotá Gun Club Library, Bogotá Jockey Club Library, Luis Angel Arango Library, National Library, Library University of Los Andes, Externado de Colombia University Library, Javeriana University Library, National University of Colombia Library, Casa de Nariño, Jorge Eliécer Gaitán Center, Cinep, Ricardo Gómez Campuzano Foundation, Luis López de Mesa Newspaper Library, San José Hospital, Caro Institute and Cuervo, Colombian Institute of Anthropology and History - ICANH, Institute of Hispanic Culture, Agustín Codazzi Geographic Institute, El Tiempo Sunday Readings, Casa del Marqués de San Jorge Archaeological Museum, 20 de Julio Museum, Museum of Colonial Art, Museum of Urban Development, Museum of Graphic Arts, Museum of Gold, Museum of Costume, El Chicó Museum, General Francisco de Paula Santander Museum, Military Museum, National Museum, Bullfighting Museum, Colombian Numismatists, San Carlos Palace, Quinta de Bolívar, Bolivarian Society, Theater Colón, Pablo Adarme, Gerard Jan Bartelsman, Paul Beer, Aldo Brando, René Cadena, Antonio Castañeda Buraglia, Henry Duperly, Luis Ignacio Gaitán, JN Gómez, Pilar Gómez, Sady González, Carlos Mario Lema, Luis B. Ramos, Omar Alberto Nieto Remolina, Leonardo Ochica, Saúl Orduz, Ignacio Prieto, Daniel Rodríguez, Manuel A. Rodríguez, Diego Samper, Julio Sánchez, Mariano Santamaría, Juan Camilo Segura, Sergio Trujillo D, Cristóbal von Rothrkirch and César Martínez Rodríguez (Sabda), Gustavo Casallas and Yésica Cortés Beltrán, Gabriel Iriarte Núñez and Enrique Santos Molano, Cristina Uribe Hurtado and Andrea Vélez, María del Carmen Montoya Gómez, Marcela Camacho, Mercedes Cedeño, Carlos Lozano, Santiago Mutis, María del Pilar Londoño Salcedo, Enrique Coronado Murcia, Mauricio Moreno Lunar , Juan Manuel Amórtegui Rodríguez, Sylvia Gómez Gómez and Giovanna Monsalve Almonacid, Rodrigo Zuleta González, Guillermo Vera and Juan David Giraldo Segura, Guillermo Vera, Eduardo Ariza, Marta Zambrano, Patricia Vargas, Andrés Olivos, Julián Osorio, Óscar Saldarriaga Vélez and Blanca Flor Aristizabal Duque Panamericana Formas e Impresos, SA