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Notes - Latest copies for collectors



After publishing the selection of Escolios a un texto implicití (2001) and Textos I (2002), Villegas Editores now launches Notas, the remaining work of the great Colombian philosopher Nicolás Gómez Dávila. It is the first time that Texts I and Notes have been published.

But Notes is a peculiar case. Printed in Mexico, in a non-commercial edition at the initiative of his brother Ignacio, Notas was for the author an accomplished fact who never authorized its publication nor corrected his texts with the meticulousness that characterized him. Over time he simply accepted” its existence. This is how it has been preserved until now.

However, these Notes are the antecedent of her future scholia, which is why it was imperative to rescue them in a broad and popular edition like this one, which includes an essay written exclusively for her by the Italian thinker and professor of philosophy Franco Volpi, a deep connoisseur of the work of Gómez Dávila.

The contribution of Nicolás Gómez Dávila to the philosophy of the 20th century has been widely recognized in Europe, particularly in Germany and Italy, where his work has been translated and studied, and where voices such as Ernst Junger, Alfredo Cattabiani and Kartsten Dose, have praised the depth of the Colombian thinker.

In the near future, when Villegas Editores publishes all of the Scholia, in five volumes that will appear one per year, the work of Nicolás Gómez Dávila will have seen complete light for the first time.



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