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Day to day

Day to day

Relax and eat delicious!

Author: María Villegas

Photography: Andrés Mauricio López

Maria Villegas

The book Day by Day Relax and eat delicious! Written by María Villegas and published by Villegas Editores, it presents 40 varied, delicious, nutritious and easy-to-make menus, carefully planned to solve the question that we all ask ourselves daily: What do we eat today? In addition, the book is loaded with beautiful photos, learnings, stories, tips and complementary recipes so that you can pamper yourself at different times of the day.

“Does it happen to you like me, that you get desperate thinking about what to eat or what to cook every day or, if you go out for the weekend, having to sit down and make menus that, in general, turn out to be very similar and take up a lot of your time?

In this book all of that is thought about you. So relax and eat delicious!”

“Cooking was the first career I studied. But, far beyond that, cooking has been my great passion, my space for play and creativity, the incentive to buy thousands of books on the subject, read them and savor them. The kitchen is also the special place where I have been able to experience those wonderful meditative states of mental fluidity that, in my case, have arisen from the connection with the five senses and the alignment with the present moment.” “Through my books.” , and from the courses I have taken, cooking has also been a form of therapy and the space to share a part of myself with others. Cooking is and will always be a beautiful part of my life, of family traditions, of our daily lives.

And if you have this book in your hands, I dare to think that it is also an important part of yours.”

“I tell you that among the many books I have written in my life, this is the one that has been soaking the longest. I remember, for years, sitting a thousand times with my mother, my grandmother, my brothers and my aunts, all dreaming of having a recipe book, organized and beautiful, with all the menus that we like the most, that we enjoy preparing the most, those that never tire us. Everything was designed to take the minimum amount of effort out of planning and maximize your enjoyment at the table.”

“My grandmother died and the book was never ready, but it was in my heart, for the creation and production of each recipe. I'll tell you more about myself. Although I believe that my greatest virtue is generosity, I am also very detail-oriented, something that I kept in mind throughout these pages. You will realize that this book is full of surprises, extras,

life learnings, from stories that have always fascinated me.

"Enjoy it, savor it, make it part of your daily life, smile and be happy."

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