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Ecopetrol -Clean Energy for the Future



With the leadership of the University of Los Andes, the successful leadership of its editorial committee and the participation of a select group of experts and academics, some of them protagonists of the history of Ecopetrol or the country, this book shows us a that Lost understand how Ecopetrol was forged; the way their businesses evolved; the repercussions on the national economy; the role played by workers and their unions, especially the Workers' Union Union; the implications for the social development of our country; and the role of the different administrations in the construction of the Ecopetrol that we have today.


  • 2011
  • Spanish
  • 4.5 kg
  • 572 pages
  • 25.4 x 30.5 cm
  • 9789589287309


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  • Editor: Benjamín Villegas
  • Editorial Coordination: Juan David Giraldo
  • Foreword: Javier Gutiérrez Pemberthy - President of Ecopetrol
  • Texts: Alfonso Amaya, Mauricio Avella, Juan Benavides, Eric Dávila, Xavier Durán, Clemente Forero, Astrid Martínez, Alicia Puyana, Rodolfo Segovia, Margarita Serje, Claudia Steiner, Miguel Urrutia.
  • Style Review: Stella Feferbaum
  • Photography: Ecopetrol Archive, Clemencia Báez, Dídimo Carvajal, Nereo, Abdú Eljaiek, Fabio Serrano, Felipe Luque, Santiago Escobar, Foto Iris, Estudios Joya, El Espectador
  • Art: Yadira Silgado, Enrique Coronado, Patricia Martínez, Andrea Vélez, Vanessa Valero,
  • Printing: Panamericana Formas e Impresos SA

This book has been created, designed and developed in Colombia with the institutional support of: ECOPETROL